Under the clear blue sky, the youngster walks rhythmically on the crowded streets. Trailers for amazing movies are displayed on the skyscrapers that challenge the sky and trailers displaying the new sequel to that unforgettable story are passing by.
All human creation, stemming from the bottomless pit of imagination, impresses all spectators. The youngster carries that kind of admiration to that chamber.
Reader: whether it’s from movies, books, web novels, animated videos, legends, myths, songs, conversations, among others, humans have constantly been exposed to the products of the imaginations of their brethren. Whether it’s a plot recounting the heroic feats against all odds of that unyielding warrior who grew from a weakling hated by the gods, remembering the love (seemingly decided by the red strings of fate) between those two that prolongs even beyond the concept of death, foretelling the truth discovered by the commoners equipped with tools that defy the laws of physics and can explore across the fabrics of time & space this temporary expanding universe, inquiring through the depths of the mysteries of what’s known as human, fantasizing in unknown and unpredictable land that offers all kinds of spectacles … Whether it’s a blessed utopia or a cursed dystopia, forgotten flashbacks or eye-opening flash-forwards being narrated, stories seem to capture and highlight the deep sentiments pursued by humans, be it gratitude stemmed from love, hate growing from treason, fascination sprouted from satisfying curiosity…
How can reality, bound by all laws & fields as well as the natural limitations of human expression, be able to grant humans the same kind of feelings, as well as the same kind of plot? Will there be a time when each human can living within that person’s own imagination?
Author: extolling fantasy is very interesting. The architect of reality certainly didn’t build it according to the desires of the members living in that reality. For that regard, fantasizing about escaping it is sometimes a very natural behavior; fantasy also has its value, for humans will always be intrigued, sometimes afraid, about what’s unknown, and from it extrapolate meaning. For instance, from the previous dialogue about the swinging monkey, asking oneself what is it that one desires shouldn’t be conditioned by reality. In that regard, dreams & aspirations are built upon a nativist basis, hence are not bound by the limits of reality, so there is nothing stopping the person from lifting that person’s head up and dream beyond the horizon, big enough to reach the skies.
Reader: But fantasies ultimately belong to the realm of fantasy, dreams, as big as they are, don’t always meet their entirety. Why doesn’t one dream in a down-to-earth manner since that’s what actions in the real world are conditioned to?
Author: Indeed, perhaps one day the individual wakes up early in the morning, gazes across the window to the endless horizon, but finds the incapability to extends one’s hand to country X, which is torn by the deadly conflict Y, and help those in need; it’s impossible in one night’s time to be able to eradicate disease A, condition B or injustice C that has accompanied humans for eternity; it’s frustrating when one thinks about what it takes for one’s contribution on Z can leave a mark for all of human history. All of these dreams & aspirations are conditioned by the natural limits of human being, be it the particular context, nativist background or era. But these limits shouldn’t obfuscate one’s own vision and desires, because it sometimes not only stops the dreamer from acting (as a result of the rhetoric: why act when nothing is going to change?), but also from dreaming (why dream when there hasn’t been any act?).
For that matter, there is no need to give up on unrealistic dreams and explore the realm of fantasy bestowed onto one’s own mind, but rather use actions, as small as they are, to build them up. Regardless of the heavy handicaps of reality, humans still act, for that will allow them to derive inspiration from those small acts, and keep striving forward towards completing certain dream, even if they touch the realm of fantasy. In that regard, not being able to achieve a dream designed in a large scale shouldn’t be disappointing, given these natural limitations; instead, losing it or forgetting is what’s detrimental, as it’s analogous to forgetting the plot of one’s own life-story. In other words, dreams were meant to be laughable (as they can indeed break the laws of reality and ascend to the levels of imagination as described in narrative), but it’s the pursuit for them that compensates for such fantastic way of envisioning one’s own life-story.
For that matter, there is still value that can be extracted on behalf of reality. There is no need to undermine reality’s limitations, but rather change the way to view and address those limitations. Phrased differently, how can one individual cope with reality whilst still maintaining ever-lasting dreams?
A simple response to communicate across is that micro-actions, done with the noblest of a vision, yields macro-meaning. On a side note, that macro-meaning is perhaps what’s captured, materialized and enhanced into narrative by the distinct authors of the one’s surroundings. Perhaps it’s not the fantasy of breathing fire, breaking the laws of entropy, or emanating inner energy what’s impressive, rather, the constant perseverance in solving a conflict, the courage to save someone, the braveness when attempting reaching the truth, the knightly loyalty sworn and kept, are what captivates certain reader’s admiration. In that regard, it’s not that the end-result envisioned at the epilogue of the dream should be the center of attention, but rather how much meaning was poured into the actions meant to construct that unreachable aspiration the focus of attention, that is, how much did the author of one’s own life perseveres to sow that author’s plot.
Id est., for the dreamer who desires to make an impact in the field of X for doing A, do not let the difficulty to make an immediate breakthrough be a source of discouragement and the abandonment of that practice, rather, why not contribute with the small grains of sand of knowledge with the utmost and honest dedication to the learning community surrounding oneself? Why not explore, and keep advancing towards the reaching of the truth even when knowing it’s unattainable? (In the end, failing is more beneficial than giving up one’s own dream). For the dreamer who aspires to “save” the world and not let anyone cry, what about turning one’s head around and observe who can one extend one’s hand to? Ask not whether the dream is impossible or worthy, from which doubt about whether enthusiasm should be poured stems from, rather, think about what’s one’s capabilities in order to walk towards that lively dream: who are the ones who are the most in need for that person to help?, who can that person love, guide, save, from which each small action will resemble steps towards reaching that vision?
Speaking analogously, when staring at the starry night, one can indeed think about discerning the truth beyond that deep & dark space, just as adventurers explored it in those fictitious yet amazing tales, but the individual can also stand firm on reality’s stable ground and wonder about what can the individual do in order to unravel the mysteries right next to that person, never forgetting the initial dream, never giving up on reaching towards the truth.
Indeed, dreams were meant to be laughable, incredible, out of the average comprehension, but the little steps taken towards reaching it are meaningful, impactful and everlasting. Meaning (the essence captured in plot-crafting), then, can be extrapolated from anywhere as long as actions were meant to live up to that meaning, even when actions themselves seem “inert” due to the constraints of reality. Perhaps the life and actions of the individual might be average, but the feelings carried by those actions can not be so.
Reader: narratives, epics, folk tales, stories… one can live up to one’s own sky-reaching expectations by acting down-to-earth perseveringly, so fiction is closer to humans than one think.
Author: Indeed, unyielding emotions are a mystery, and humans can exploit them to embark on the path of realizing dreams. But bear in mind that materializing a dream into reality is an endless & harsh journey, for that matter, what constitutes being prepared, and what does it take to confront them?
Just as authors lay out carefully how and why their characters should act, one should also plan ahead of one’s own life, that is, declare an introduction and identify one’s own theme, forecast difficulties, foreshadow to oneself incoming challenges, create, search and/or exploit opportunities, risk exploring the unknown, overcome all climaxes, design new sequels[1], among others, instead of letting the flow of time solve all conflicts. For that matter, thinking constantly about what one is doing, what one has done and what one will do is of great importance in order to write a coherent life story, otherwise it will obfuscate one’s own dream.
Indeed, during the different springs one transverses through in one’s life, it’ll be worth to attempt[2] to grab hold of one’s life. That means, to constantly think about who one is (capabilities, likes, dislikes) and hence cultivate one’s own talents. The story will sporadically unfold as the individual (from now on referred to as the protagonist) makes use of those abilities and talents to reach a dream that’s obstructed by different conflicts. Along the road, the protagonist can take the risks of meeting new characters, help & be helped, love & be loved, hurt & be hurt, for when challenges appear, who knows what fateful encounter with certain person can aid the protagonist in overcoming difficulties. Sowing one’s own plot, what else does one need but the will to do so? No matter the unbearable storm that falls heavily upon one’s story, equipped with a firm determination, the protagonist can understand the truest of the emotions by pursuing aimfully that dream, for there is no weapon more powerful than the will to not give up, and there is no bearer more incredible than the author of that dream.
Therefore, in the end, there are no handicaps for having fantastic thoughts, since the most ambitious & honest dreams know no boundary, but they are only meaningful if they are thoroughly carried out through a down-to-earth plan, written & designed by oneself, from this extrapolating an unique life story worth being told to everyone (including oneself). In that regard, if the individual perseveres in achieving a noble (perhaps impossible) dream, without giving it up despite space & time continuously eroding it, how can that be less “amazing” than how different authors have described their heroes & heroines in their epic tales?
Life is a story one writes with those hands & imagination born with, writes it long with those one loves, with those one hates … but shouldn’t stop writing, nor stop thinking about what can one write. The youngster gazes thoughtfully across that chamber and grabs some powerful weapons: the mind & a pen. The youngster stares attentively at something just as powerful hanged on those warm-colored walls: a calendar. With resolution, with preoccupation, with inspiration, with uncertainty…words meant to be materialized into action are written on a planner guided by that calendar, and the days to come shall be the life-story the youngster will star in.
[1] As said, dreams, as big as they are, deserve an endless journey, so there is never a conclusion. [2] The use of the word “attempt” is due because life is packed with many disturbances, tragedies or unexpected events that break one’s initial plan; despite that, one should keep trying to plan ahead and think first before acting aimlessly, just like how characters of a story constantly sow their own plot.
